Life Transitions & Personal Growth

Life changes, either anticipated or unexpected, can be disconcerting and cause you to feel you are on unfamiliar turf, requiring you to adjust to new ways of living and thinking. Major life changes usually fall into three different times in your life: on your terms when you are ready to make a change in how you live your life, unexpectedly when you did not anticipate the change and you felt thrusted into it, or naturally while experiencing a normal change in a life role. Understanding the three phases of life change can offer perspective. It’s important to know you are not alone while going through change-I’m here to walk this journey with you.

If you’re wanting to make a change from living in a vicious cycle with hurtful relationships, an unsatisfying job or a defeating habit, but unsure how, having support can help you discover new options. Sorting through what’s on your mind, exploring what you want and identifying the next steps to take allow new and empowering solutions to emerge so you can move forward. No longer feeling stopped or stuck in fear, you’ll arrive at a turning point excited, looking ahead to new possibilities.

If you are experiencing a major life change it may create unexpected shifts that can feel overwhelming-at times even gripping. Loss of a loved one or from divorce, can increase feelings of loneliness or heighten feelings of vulnerability especially if past hurt or trauma remains unresolved. Anticipated life events such as a new move or job change, can also be challenging.

If you are experiencing a role change such as becoming a new parent, empty-nester, caretaker for a parent it can stretch you beyond who you knew yourself to be. Milestones ranging from marriage to midlife can be times for renegotiation. Once you always knew your role and what was expected of you, and now you may feel numb, uncertain and displaced, possibly surprised by a depth of sadness and anger brought on by the onset of this new life change.  Inner conflict can arise as you cannot move backward to your past which afforded comfort with its familiarity and yet moving forward into the unknown is scary.  Avoiding loss with denial, withdrawing or even minimizing it by moving forward too quickly may thwart new growth.  However, working through feelings of confusion, uncertainty, resistance and sadness from loss can bring closure.

Feeling strong, courageous, and confident with support can anchor you so you’ll come through transition with ease, sure-footed with new positive transformation.

Common Life Transition Services

  • Recreating life after empty nesting

  • Supporting and strengthening you during marital changes

  • Pregnancy

  • Coping with aging and changes in midlife

  • Assisting aging parents

  • Retirement

  • Navigating major life changes

  • Identifying loneliness

  • Caring for yourself after widowhood and loss

We work through three phases of transition:  

Acceptance, Adjustment & Action.  

Acceptance of loss ushers in your new beginning, but as this new beginning unfolds, it can bring on feelings of self-doubt as you find yourself on new terrain. With support, you renegotiate and renavigate your new life. With newly learned coping skills, you adjust and steadily life begins to feel hopeful and restorative evolving into a time of renewal resonating within you.  Plans discerned and made with thoughtful action, self-love and patience may become realized and manifest blossoming with new life.

We will work collaboratively to: 

  • Place the past into a narrative for proper understanding of your life experience

  • Give yourself permission for self-care

  • Define new boundaries

  • Identify life-balance with healthy coping skills

  • Build confidence & self-efficacy (believing in yourself)

  • Identify and listen to your inner self for new desires, hopes, goals, pursuits, leisures, and purpose

  • Identify your resiliency and personal assets

  • Reevaluate your values and needs

  • Increase your self-esteem

  • Create an action plan for your future (long, medium and short term goals)

Therapy services for your care:

Please contact Cyndie at 610.329.1684 or email me at for a free 15-minute consultation to see how therapy may begin to help you today.